The lowdown on April subscription coffees
Mark's been busy in the roastery recently and one of the things that's been keeping him busy has been the latest Voyager and Explorer subscriptions.
We love taking out intrepid subscribers on a trip around the coffee-growing world with the roasts that come through their doors each month and April has been no exception.

The first coffee Mark's been showcasing this month is the Timor Leste - Koileki, which features in both the Voyager and Explorer parcels. This washed coffee is grown at between 1,700 and 1,800 metres above sea level in Koileki village in the Ermera region of Timor Leste.
The Koileki Wet Mill, which sits at 1,800 metres above sea level, collects coffee cherry from the village daily. Once they arrive at the mill, the ripe cherries are floated on water to remove the least dense fruits, leaving only the most dense, highest-quality cherry to go into specialty coffee.
Then comes the meticulous hand-sorting of the coffee cherry by mill staff, removing any underripe or damages fruit before the top quality fruit is pulped to separate the cherry from the parchment coffee. The next step is a 24-36 hour fermentation process.
The parchment is then washed again to remove any remaining floaters and cherry skin. Then it is taken to raised beds to be dried, with staff turning it regularly to maintain even airflow and sun contact.
After roughly 15 to 20 days the coffee is taken to a lower altitude with higher temperatures where the drying process is completed. Then the coffee is taken to Railaco dry mill to be prepared for export so roasters like Mark can roast it for your morning cuppa.
We've got a bit of this delicious ethical coffee left so, whether you've already got some on subscription or not, you can get your hands on a or bag two from our online shop, while stocks last.

In the Voyager subscription this month, the Timor Leste coffee is joined by our Uganda - Kiraro. This natural-process coffee is grown at between 1,500 and 1,800 metres above sea level by more than 200 farmers in the Rwenzori Mountains areas of the country. Most of the farmers producing this coffee use the proceeds of its sale to pay for their children's school fees so you know that, by drinking this subscription coffee, you're helping young children on the other side of the world get an education.

Meanwhile, Expedition subscribers who receive more than 1.5kg of coffee will also receive Ethiopia - Sidamo, a fully washed coffee grown at 1,500 to 2,200 metres above sea level.
This coffee is also available to buy separately from our online shop.
We'd love to know what our subscribers think of this month's coffees so please do let us know.
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