Rwanda- Shyira


Maraschino cherry, Bredbury apple, muscatel & hibiscus. Sweet, fruity & Complex cup

Owner: Muraho Trading Company
Location: Gitsimbwe, Gakenke District 
Varietal: Typica
Altitude: 2000-2400 MASL
Process: Natural 
In Rwanda, we work alongside Muraho Trading Co.
This partnership helps affiliate co-operatives increasetheir quality of production, fetch a higher price for their coffee, and introduce them to new markets. This will be a continuous work in progress in the coming years, as we gain a greater understanding of the particular challenges Rwandan coffee producers face.
Through this process we can develop a model that creates incentives which generate producer buy-in, all the while maximising impact. We supply coffee from across Muraho’s washing stations, which are located in the Nyamasheke, Gakenke, and Nyabihu regions of Rwanda. Bumbogo Washing Station is a station built by Neza Trading Company, who partners with Muraho Trading Co. It is run by Emmanual Rusatira, the Director of Quality at Muraho Trading Co.
The Gakenke district where Bumbogo is located, is also an area known for high-quality coffee production in Rwanda. It is a highly competitive region, and home to several winning Cup of Excellence lots in recent years.
Bumbogo is the station closest to Kigali that we work with, built in 2017. The station has more than doubled their production since 2018, with an impressive
expanse of drying beds covering the hills surrounding the washing station itself. The station works alongside the community in ways external to the purchase and processing of its coffee. This value added when paired can massively improve not only quality but the yields of a producer’s land.
All cherry is hand-sorted before a pre-pulp float, underripe or damaged cherry is removed, along with any foreign objects. Cherry is then floated in pre-pulping tanks removing any floaters and later pulped. Next, coffee is fermented in dedicated concrete fermentation tanks for an average of 12 hours. During this time, the fermented parchment is agitated several times through the day by way of ceremonial foot-stomping. After fermentation, coffee
is released into a large serpentine grading channel. This process also separates parchment into different
density grades. During the washing process, parchment is continuously agitated to encourage lower density parchment to float and to clean any residual mucilage off the parchment. Once the parchment is separated into grades, it is given a final post-wash rinse. At this
point, coffee is taken to a pre-drying area where the parchment is hand-sorted removing any insect-damaged, discoloured or chipped coffee. The parchment is laid out to dry and turned on a regular basis throughout the day for 30 days.



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